What’s up everybody! I am Steve Malik Swayne. I was born in Ogden, Utah and raised in Salt Lake City / Las Vegas, NV. I became fascinated with words in elementary school where I began writing short stories and poems which eventually led to me writing music. After years of pursing a music career, I began running the streets, headed down the wrong path eventually leading to my incarceration. While incarcerated, (a father of three) I decided I wouldn’t become a statistic. I enrolled in college classes where I obtained two associate degrees, one in Liberal Arts and the other in General Business Administration. Still passionate about writing, I began writing fictional novels, calling home to my wife, where she would record my writings, then take the hours of recordings and type them into her laptop. From there, we pursued publication and now those publications are being introduced to the world.
Thanks to everyone for your support and for rocking with me while I’m down – it truly means everything to me. My life has been one of an unimaginable tale, if anyone were to ask what I’ve learned thus far, I would reply: No matter our circumstances, we have it within us to overcome, even in our darkest hour we can shine bright. Let no barrier withhold you from grace, barriers too can be destroyed. Me being in prison behind these walls is simply an obstacle, not a state of mind. I won’t be silenced. Because of my support system, my presence remains and my words continue to capture beautiful minds abroad. May you all be blessed and strive for greatness until it’s yours!
What’s up everybody! I am Steve Malik Swayne. I was born in Ogden, Utah and raised in Salt Lake City / Las Vegas, NV. I became fascinated with words in elementary school where I began writing short stories and poems which eventually led to me writing music. After years of pursing a music career, I began running the streets, headed down the wrong path eventually leading to my incarceration. While incarcerated, (a father of three) I decided I wouldn’t become a statistic. I enrolled in college classes where I obtained two associate degrees, one in Liberal Arts and the other in General Business Administration. Still passionate about writing, I began writing fictional novels, calling home to my family, where they would record my writings, then take the hours of recordings and type them into their laptop. From there, we pursued publication and now those publications are being introduced to the world.
Thanks to everyone for your support and for rocking with me while I’m down – it truly means everything to me. My life has been one of an unimaginable tale, if anyone were to ask what I’ve learned thus far, I would reply: No matter our circumstances, we have it within us to overcome, even in our darkest hour we can shine bright. Let no barrier withhold you from grace, barriers too can be destroyed. Me being in prison behind these walls is simply an obstacle, not a state of mind. I won’t be silenced. Because of my support system, my presence remains and my words continue to capture beautiful minds abroad. May you all be blessed and strive for greatness until it’s yours!
Witnessing the main character’s development and transformation of how one’s personality becomes that of two, as well as seeing how an obsession can actually become one within an individual, psychologically and physically.
Loyalty these days seem to be a thing of the past, although some people still believe in this morale. They believe in it so much that they are willing to go beyond regular limits in order to get their message across. This is seen in everyday society, especially in this day and age.
Traitor walks you through every aspect of the psychological process of one who feels betrayed and has become obsessed with revenge, while also rendering an emotional rollercoaster through verbal, poetic, and visual expressions.
In this specific piece, I would like for the reader to recognize the in-depth expression of what can dwell inside of each and every one of us when driven or pushed by betrayal. Secondly, I would like the reader to be dazzled by poetry and comparison to life and recognize we all have some kind of monster inside of us rather it be negative or positive. Finally, I would like the people to enjoy the various plots, twists, and craftiness of mental perception that Traitor delivers.
“This didn’t have to be our reality. Now there’s no more us.”